
Friday 18 April 2014

Eczema Herpeticum No. 9 Cont.

So if I had any doubts about what it was I certainly don't now. Very characteristic herpeticum. Hopefully now that they've dried out they'll soon disappear. Couldn't happen at a more inappropriate time. Cheers body!

Thursday 17 April 2014

Eczema Herpeticum Round 9

So er yeah. Things aren't really progressing much at all and I think I might need to pop to the dermatology department for a second opinion. It actually looks a lot worse off camera. Looks like a sick day from work too. I'm so gutted.

Edit: Went to hospital in the end and it turns out it's actually herpeticum. Again. Makes sense though because I did have a horrible cold and this came straight after. At least I know to stop taking the antibiotics anyway. So yeah, this is my 9th time in the space of 2 years. Hmpf.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Topical Steroid Withdrawal Staph Infection

Just when I thought I was doing well I get knocked down with a horrible cold and then today I wake up to a probable staph infection. I think stress is definitely the factor in this circumstance, what with the move coming up. Grumble.

I still have some doxycycline left over from when I had MRSA, at least a full courses worth so going to start taking that and also not use moisturiser for the day. Not sure how I will fair tomorrow at work without any but this needs nipping in the bud ASAP.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Still Plodding On

Hey guys, so it's been 2 weeks since my last update and there's just so much to tell you. Firstly, the reason I haven't put up any new photographs of my skin is because there hasn't really been much to show you in the way of change. I'm still dry, still getting red rashes from time to time so the pictures would just be similar to the others and I felt that pointless. I've also had a really hard time taking photos of my face. I just can't do "selfies" any more and if it's not that, then the camera keeps depicting redness that isn't there! Stupid thing. I also still have itch fits from time to time, though these are less and less severe and a very quick shower usually sorts me out.

The second thing I have to say is... *drum roll please*............. we're moving to Leeds! Yes, finally we're moving out of Lincoln and I am so damn proud that we can start to get our lives on track again. We've been stuck here for the last 5 years (6 for Shane) and it's just time to move on. I don't know if this is having an affect on my current red, dry skin because I can't say I'm not stressed. There's so much to do and finances won't be great this month but in a few months time we will be in a much better position. Yay! Also a few of my friends live in or around the area and my mum will be a mere hours journey away <3 I will however miss my Lincoln friends. Now that I'm finally on the mend I can be social but just as this is happening, I'm forging friendships only to leave them behind which sucks!

This past Wednesday I went to see my derm nurse and typically I didn't look my best but oh well! I was a little bit red and blotchy but that's probably the stress of trying to keep my skin nice to show her how well I've been doing. (FYI: I haven't seen her since October 2013!) She said the dermatologist had been given the go ahead to trial a new injection and I was one of the prime candidates. Well ha! I'm moving to Leeds so you can stick your injection (pun intended) I'm not going to be your guinea pig any longer! So that's the end of that. I have an open appointment if I need it, but otherwise I'm basically free.

My legs and back have retreated to their former white glory. The skin is lovely and smooth and doesn't require any moisture at all! Some areas get dry from time to time but I couldn't be happier. My tummy still gets the odd flare but it's nothing to complain about.

You can still see the scarring but when comparing it to how they were they're bloody fantastic! Here's a reminder of how they were.

I can't seem to stop scratching at my arms so they're a bit of a sorry state but I know they'll sort themselves out in their own time.

Similarly I can't seem to leave my neck alone at the moment. Last week it was fine but for some reason this week it's gone back to it's horrible dry self. Ho hum.

The brows are coming back once again but you can see a lot of creases and wrinkles from the dryness of my face.

This side appears to be my better side. Though the brows are still struggling.

And here I am. I'm a little bit red but I'm not too fussed. It doesn't look a bad red like it did initially. For people who didn't know how naturally pale I was they would probably think this was my normal tone... maybe.

Life does get better!

Hope everyone is well :)