
Thursday 25 August 2016

39 Months TSW/ BBC Eczema Documentary

Hi guys, this blog is long overdue an update!

So what's going on with me?

Well I'm afraid to say, it isn't exactly great news. I've actually been putting off talking about it because I don't want to discourage others. But about a month ago, I began to get a really itchy face and the band around my tummy where my top had been tucked into my skirt also triggered a heat rash reaction, due to the hot weather we have been experiencing as of late.

I figured with time and patience it would disappear on it's own, as it usually does. However a month later it has instead spread all over my body; my face, neck, chest, arms, torso, legs... everywhere.

I went to a walk-in-centre and was given a weeks worth of antibiotics as we both assumed it to be an infection. They didn't even touch it. This Tuesday just past I went to the doctors and all she could offer me were steroids, emollients and an extra antihistamine because she felt it looked more like an allergic reaction. Not great. At this point I'm actually debating using oral steroids just to help clear my system but the other part of me is screaming 'NO!' because it would ruin years of hard work if I were to rebound, and also get eczema herpeticum.

I'm currently having to take time off work because it is virtually unbearable. I think part of this flare-up is due to the fact that I now no longer have time to heal, because I work a full time job and am always on the go. So having a few days off should in theory help me... but it just seems to be getting worse. The heat is not helping and I'm just a poor tired mess.

Edit: It turned out to be a washing detergent allergy!


In other news. The last time I went to see the dermatologist, back in May, she told me that they had forgotten to contact me 1.5 years ago to tell me that I was severely deficient in Vitamin D. I can't even. Sounds about right though...


On a slightly more positive note; another thing that happened that I should really have blogged about sooner was that a fellow from the BBC contacted me in regards to making a radio documentary about eczema sufferers and what we really have to go through etc. I was invited to the studio in York and nervously gave my view point. There was a lot I didn't manage to say as I tend to burble when put on the spot and probably also a lot I didn't put across properly... but if you fancy a listen it is airing on bank holiday Monday (29/08/16) at 09:00 on and later on at 18:00 on

Alternatively you can catch it via this link after 10:00am Monday morning and it will be available for 30 days.

Hope everyone else is well!
