
Saturday 9 March 2013

Adult Atopic Eczema

As an adult sufferer of severe chronic eczema it's often hard to feel accepted and to know that other people are suffering the exact same thing due to the fact that most people's view of eczema is only from knowing it in its mild form. From having that stand point, I find many people don't really understand just what people like myself are going through on a daily basis. I've had a number of people congratulate me on creating this blog because they have finally found someone who is going through the same thing as they are. This is of course great as it means that I've had people to chat about the various highs and lows, what medications to use, how they cope etc.

Of course we have fantastic resources such as the National Eczema Society to go to, but sometimes it's nice to know that real people understand your woes and your need to get better to fulfill what could be considered a normal life. Not only this, but I believe that being honest and open about conditions, like I have with including images of my skin on a daily basis, and divulging the facts of how I have been forced to adapt and cope is also helpful in spreading awareness and even to act as a hub of information for other sufferers to gain some form of solace from.

I find many websites and even health services are more aimed towards children with atopic eczema and what parents should be doing etc. Where are the websites and services for those who have adult eczema? Eczema that only became a severe form in adulthood? OK, I understand that as an adult I don't need creams to be applied and that kind of thing (well sometimes I do if it's somewhere I can't quite reach but I seem to be a lot more flexible now!) but I still suffer from the other associated things. I cry when it is too much to bare in terms of itchiness and soreness, I do get embarrassed about it when people stare and say things, I need to have many tasks performed for me in fear of exacerbating my condition and making it worse. When I'm in such a state I feel like an invalid. I need to be constantly reminded not to scratch and even have force used against me if I'm undergoing a mad scratching frenzy.

As an adult, I feel we need more support than ever. Being a child you're under the care of your parent who pays for you to live; they pay the bills, ensure food is on the table and all those sorts of things that a child wouldn't ever have to even contemplate because they are exempt from the grown up world. An adult with atopic eczema will have such a hard time, especially if others are misinformed of their condition. I have been very lucky that work understand to a degree that when I'm bad, I can't come in to work, but that doesn't mean that things like my end of year bonus and my sickness record aren't affected by my inability to go in to work. It's these little consequences that annoy me as generally I will find myself unable to work on the days that work falls, and by the time I've recovered enough it hasn't even been a week and so I lose out on sick pay. Money that is necessary to fund my existence.

You may be wondering why I haven't applied for benefits if this is the case. Well, in actual fact I have. But because Shane is working we aren't entitled to anything. We have to live in the house we live in because it is modern, clean and large enough to fit in our possessions. But houses like this come with a higher price tag which we frequently struggle with some months. Don't worry our bills are always paid on time but working in an overdraft every month isn't exactly ideal.

If I didn't have Shane to support me I'm not sure how I would cope and I know there are many sufferers out there who don't have partners to support them. It is for this reason I feel that adult eczema should be more recognised. As I've said before, eczema isn't always a little bit of itchy skin that can be remedied, it can be so much worse; a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly battle of trying to control and regulate. The skin is the bodies largest organ, so just take a moment to take in the fact that someone who is suffering quite literally from head to toe is going through a very tough time.


  1. Hi; I just found your blog and I am a male, mid 50s sufferer for about 12 yrs.; I reside in the northeastern US. I am at another crossroads in my e journey, as a 3.5 month 'experiment' suggested by a new dermatologist, of treating my skin condition as "contact dermatitis" vs. eczema, primarily involving a diet restricting intake of the allergens that were positive on a recent 100-item skin test, namely the evilest of all, "balsam of Peru." While I have lost weight I needed to lose by eliminating sweets, ice cream, as well as citrus and tomato products of all kinds, I am still not under control, skin wise. I had taken immunosuppressants for almost 8 yrs; Gengraf first (which worked rather well for most of the 5 ish yrs I was on it, till my University researcher/derm MD wanted me off it due to fear of long term side effects (esp risk of tumor growth, which a friend with E did have...)...but none of the other meds I tried helped (Imuran (azathioprine); CellCept, --helped but horrible psych side effects; and Methotrexate. And the worst, Humira, which made me so much worse. Anyhow, after re-researching and soul searching, I have decided to stay on the diet but also discuss with the Derm Doc going back on Gengraf. This is done reluctantly but it DID help in past and I am hopeful can again. Quality of life that Jenny raises is critical as well as capacity to work more hrs than my recently reduced schedule... Thank you for your posts, they were comforting and helpful. Wish you and all others the best and look fwd to chatting/posting again.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment :) I hope your new experiment works for you! Ciclosporin/ Gengraf was my saviour too, until it raised my blood pressure so they took me off it and then when I was reintroduced it just failed to work. I'm hoping maybe in a few years it may work again for me. People don't understand how lucky they are to be able to work a full time job.

      I'm glad my blog has helped you :)


  2. Hi there! I just found your blog. I have also noticed the lack of information for remedies in the fight against adult eczema. The older I get, the more my diet plays a role in my eczema flareups. I created a YouTube channel where I plan to post eczema-friendly DIY recipes if you'd like to check it out at Be well.

    Candace Smith

    1. You are right. You Tube is the right place to learn anything. Eczema is a matter of great concern to many eczema patients. However there many articles about get rid of eczema in the internet. Like others you can see some natural ways to get rid of aczema

  3. I suffer from atopic eczema and house dust mite allergy....hav been using topical steroids, antihistamines, moisturizer... had a few allergy test.. tried chinese herbs, managing stress, controlling itch and sublingual immunotherapy... feeling embarrassed and lack of confidence...nw almost recovered bt eczema flare-up will still come back if i don manage it properly... wanna make new more about me in my blog:

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Im 25 yrs female! suffering from atopic dermatitis from age of 5 yrs. Have visited every possible doctor in India for the cure but of no use. Creams, Peels, Massages nothing could help me.
    My entire body has a hundred scars.
    Is there any cure at all or this is how i'll have to live(or i shall day die) everyday passing by..

  6. Have you ever tried 'Eczema Gone Forever'? Does it work?

  7. look at this new unique and innovative treatment method that we're providing for sufferers from severe atopic eczema. It removes up to 95% of IgE from skin/blod. A real hope for relief.

  8. I find your blog very inspiring and useful for those who are suffering the same. I admire you for sharing your stories. Thank you for posting these. I hope all is well for you. Cheers!

  9. i am chronic eczema patient and still battling and fighting with it , i just found out i have eczema a year ago..i found this blog very inspiring as i am always reads and looks for any information to a good treatment for it.
    im with you Jenny and i know how it feels, lets fight this !
    Lots of love and take care,
    Borneo Sabah

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Although the rash can be located anywhere on the body, in adults it is most often found on the neck, flexures of the arms (opposite the elbow), and flexures of legs (opposite the knee).

  12. Flaxseed and coconut oil are helpful. check out

  13. Hello, Im a 23 year old female living in Vancouver BC, I have suffered from eczema all my life but in the past few months it's got to the point where my skin is no longer smooth or beautiful. I scratch my skin off at night and all through the day. It's painful and my self esteem has lowered considerably. When I was younger I used hydrocortizone cream and it kept it at bay. However, I refuse to use it anymore due to thinning of the skin. I now use lotions and help oil to keep it from itching as much but the redness and inflammation is still obvious. My skin is raw and uncomfortable. I have cat and dustmite allergies, and come to think of it, I may have more. I havent seen a dermatologist.
    I found this blog and it's comforting to know that there are people in the same boat as I am.
    My question to you is, what home made, natural remedies are people using? Is there something that works better for others and if so what is it? I'm trying everything I can possibly think of to get my skin looking somewhat healthy.
    :) Katy

  14. Eczema is causes by dryness of the skin that prones to irritation and inflammation. This is called as itch which rashes. Rash comes from scratching of the skin. It is really recommended to avoid scratching the rashes. There are moisturizer and creams with antihistamines that can treat your skin conditions however there are some medicines that have side effects. Dr. Sundardas wants to help you. He is a naturopathy expert that offers natural solution that proven and safe. We hope Jenny that you have time to visit our website or email us so we could talk about a naturopathy.

  15. a great blog about your experiences with this skin conditions about eczema . we too can help your condition through proven herbal remedies . for further information call us at +60124520077 , or visit us at

  16. Hi, My daughter had very bad eczema and none of the creams and lotions were helping. A friend of mine recommended this product which is based on Ayurveda and its really helping my girl. Give this a shot.

    Nancy Bosco

  17. Hi I have been suffering from eczema my whole life, I'm 37. The past year it has gotten to the point where I can't handle it. It's all over my right leg, my right hand and now on my face. I have been to the doctor multiple times and they say there's nothing they can do. I've been to the dermatologist and he said the same. I can't straighten my fingers at all and it's spreading to all my fingers. Is there anything that anyone can suggest for me to try? Thank you!

    1. If you have Atopic Dermatitis I can recommend Tacrolimus, a prescribed ointment. It helps with the redness, and only slightly eases up the itching. I've been using it for a little over a week, and this is the first thing I've found in two years that gives some relief.

  18. I have had eczema and dry skin patches on my body, the one thing that worked for me is Asutra body scrub (i love the cucumber) and their magnesium oil. both totally helped with my issues. Asutra scrub is organic and natural ingredients.. I purchased mine on Amazon.

  19. I have been a long-time sufferer of eczema on my hands and foderma is my favorite serum so far. It doesn't heal or solve the problem of having eczema, but it certainly makes it more bearable. It soothes dry and cracked skin and relieves some of the itching as well. I use it all over myself and my kids. Tip: if you are having a really itchy spell, keep the serum in the fridge. It feels extra soothing when it goes on cold!

  20. Had you ever tried clinical research? It's the newest medicines available for the condition. Also, your compensated for your time.

  21. Had you ever tried clinical research? It's the newest medicines available for the condition. Also, your compensated for your time.

  22. Had you ever tried clinical research? It's the newest medicines available for the condition. Also, your compensated for your time.

  23. hey, a very useful and informative blog. Atopic dermatitis is a type of chronic inflammatory skin condition that is characterized by itchiness, redness and swollen or cracked skin. The data estimates suggest that nearly 60% of the patients develop symptoms in the first year of life and the severity increases as the child grows older. However, I have been writing a blog on this topic and found the information on your blog quite interesting. please check out my blog and give your opinion. here's the url-

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