
Monday 4 March 2013

Documenting My Skin 02/03/04 of March

Today I've woken up and my skin isn't so good. Yesterday I could feel my skin becoming tight and weepy when I got home from work but Shane's parents had driven him back from his Silverstone Half Marathon Race so we went out for a meal. Prior to leaving the house I took one of my Hydroxyzine antihistamines which can make you drowsy as hell. By the time we got in I zonked out on the couch for around 3 hours before dragging myself up to bed, somehow managing to take a photograph, and remaining asleep for a further 9 hours! Must have needed it.

Luckily I haven't been rota'd in for work tonight so I'll use today as a recovery day which I definitely need. I'm having to constantly moisturise after all.

                 2/3/2013 Morning                                          2/3/2013 Night

                   3/3/2013 Morning                                                3/3/2013 Night

4/3/2013 Morning

I thought I would include a close up of my face this morning as it looked rather lovely and grim.
Sorry that the pictures don't all match up and what not, I really can't be chewed today. Just need to relax and be kind to my skin!

1 comment:

  1. You can see the result at the acne no more book stores video below. As always you can experiment with the materials/lights used. You could also try to render this using cycles.
