
Monday 18 March 2013

The Ability To Get Dressed & Eczema

Does anyone else's eczema prevent them from getting dressed?

My skin is so, so sore and weepy that putting clothing on will just exacerbate the situation and make it worse. I need to make sure my moisturiser has sunk into my ever-thirsty skin before I can even contemplate the idea of clothing because the sticky heat that it brings just sets off my heat urticaria, not to mention ruins my clothes! But even when it has been absorbed I still have to put up with the weeping skin sticking to my clothing and thus taking in fibres/ dust whatever the hell foreign body that shouldn't go any where near my wounds and for these reasons I cannot get dressed. I am a sticky, sore, weeping mess.

Today is a catch 22 situation. I need to go to see the doctor to get some antibiotics because my skin is so inflamed, burning and weeping that moisturising alone just isn't going to help and I suspect it is infected... but I can't get dressed.

I've rang my derm nurse at the hospital to let her know but there will be little that anyone can do for me because at the end of the day I need to be examined by a doctor, and I sure as hell won't be inviting them in for a home visit to see my nakedness in all its glory. It's a sad time when this happens because I know I need to go get help, but my body is cruel and won't allow me to go get these resources to make it better.

Stuck in a rut :(


  1. So sorry to hear you have had a miserable weekend Jenny.I really hope you are on the mend tonight and got treated promptly with antibiotics.I hope the nurse was helpful and offered some sort of advice.Thanks for such an informative blog.Wish I could offer some advice but I am learning from you.By the way I was talking to you on Facebook National Eczema Society during week.I hope this post shall work:)) Here goes... Aoibheann x

    1. Aww, hello you! :) My skin is absolutely bizarre. It literally is fine one minute and horrible the next than repeat! I haven't gone for antibiotics but my skin is feeling much better compared to yesterday in terms of infection. I'm just at the extremely dry stage now where I leave a lovely trail behind :p hope you are well?x

  2. Well at least you have improved and the infection did not get any worse.Well I was good all week but tonight the rash has broken out all over my arms and legs (a good itch did not help!) so I am just after a bath and have used steroids from neck to ankles almost.I never ever have a night where I can just use a moisturiser cream:(.There is always some part some where that needs attention.However, no infection after a month of it so that is a relief.How often do you see your dermatology department?I like to have my tablets/creams reviewed often as I am stilli in the eczema learning process although I have learned more from you!Hope you have a restful and relaxing few days

  3. Can you post photos? I have had seasonal allergies for many years and now find I have a rash on my torso that has repeated itself within a 7 wk. period in almost exactly the same spots. I thought it may have been a rx to my bra and r/t latex, but I think not. I have thought back about every shirt I have worn, every product I might have used on my torso that was different, and have come up w/ nothing so far. Cortisone 10 has helped as has my Allegra. I think this rash will fade as the other one did in another week or so. My rash is under my breasts, of my upper arms, and patchy on my sides and back. It is red, a bit scaly, and itchy. I have no blisters or oozing. Some of the rashes are a bit linear and some round. Any ideas anyone?
