
Thursday 13 June 2013

Another short update (including video from Jenny)

Hi Everyone,

I've got back from the hospital late again last night and am pleased to say that I saw another big improvement in Jenny's health.

She saw the dermatologist earlier in the day and was told that she is likely to be staying in until Friday, but will be visited each day by the dermatologist nurse or doctor for review.

There still remains the possibility that she will be held in over the weekend, in which case it will obviously be for the best, but hopefully I will be able to bring her home with me sooner rather than later.

Jenny is naturally becoming slightly frustrated at the prolonged stay, but appreciates it is for the best. Each nurse assuming that it is an allergic reaction isn't helping matters, but hopefully this event will help raise awareness of Eczema herpeticum across not just the nurses on that ward but others as well.

She has asked me to share a video which she recorded yesterday about her stay so far in hospital. Jenny also told me to mention that around 8 minutes in to the video when she mentions Eumovate she instead means Epiderm.

For those interested, I am posting daily updates on her recovery over at my Facebook page:

Thanks again for all your words of support and concern.



  1. Hi guys,
    I had this condition a few years ago and it was awful. My face crusted up completely and My mouth was so crusty I couldnt eat, so yeah, I know how lousy it can be and I sympathise.

    Hope you feel better soon Jenny, that hospital room looks really depressing lol. Bet you can't wait to get home again.

    Hopefully the acyclovir will kick in soon and clear up the swelling. Its good stuff.

    BTW, love the cat socks. V. cute!

    Get well soon!

  2. Aww bless your little white nose. Apparently Bender, Prestia and Lynfield (lol... 'Bender'... ahem!) coined this as the 'headlight' in 1969. Common TSW silliness. I'm really glad you recognised the herpeticum early on and were really brave and went to the doctors. You are good :)

    Omg socks AND cake. Every cloud eh? xxx

    1. Haha! That's so weird that it is already a recognised term. My derm nurse keeps having debates as to why it never flares on my nose as it looks more like urticaria. My body must just be so messed up that this is just the by-product. You are a fountain of knowledge Miss Kitty!xx
