
Friday 7 June 2013

Ciclosporin During Topical Steroid Withdrawal

I am truly overwhelmed with just how well received my blog is. Everyone I've spoken to or has commented has thanked me for making it... but thank you for reading it! Just overnight alone I've had 200 views! My blog views are growing by thousands week by week and it's just incredibly mind-blowing to see that people from all over the world are gaining some form of solace from my little piece of the internet. I feel like a proud parent :)

You're probably wondering how I've been faring this week? Well since starting the Ciclosporin for the 3rd time last Saturday I can confirm that it is indeed working! Hurrah!!! I still have some rashy and scabby areas but they are no where near as prominent as they were this time last week. I also had a really bad dehydration headache yesterday evening so that has probably contributed to the rash I have today that wasn't there yesterday but I have faith that it will disappear again just as quickly as it came.

It's also nice having that feeling where you can just physically feel your skin is improving. It's hard to put into words but you just know that it's getting better. Yay for Ciclosporin! Without it I doubt I'd be able to face the hard journey of withdrawal on my own.

I took a picture of my arm yesterday whilst waiting to start work to show a comparison of my arm from the week before. It's startling really, but shows with perseverance and the correct level of medication it can get better without steroid usage.

Last week

This Week

Hope everyone is having a good week xx


  1. I'm so happy for you Jenny! Your pictures look really good.
    Your blog is fantastic. I've popped a link to it on mine so hopefully it will drive some traffic your way. I know Kitty mentioned you on the itsan forum, so that may be where all the people are coming from.

    Keep up the good work. X

    1. Thanks Louise, for all your kind words and compliments! :D Thanks for adding me to your list too :) I'm hoping to make this blog look even more professional as time goes on and will add reading lists and things. It's just so good that others support me, thanks again!xx

  2. That's wonderful Jenny, what a difference!

    1. Thanks Charley :D I think what makes it feel better is that the first time the Ciclosporin worked I was still using steroid creams, this time round I'm not and it's having the same effect! :) x

  3. Hi Jenny. I think your blog is great and really informative. It's so good that you are raising awareness. Hope you can find an effective treatment. Take care.

    1. Cheers Phillippa :) hope you're doing good too? I see you're now following your dreams of being a textile designer so well done!xx
