
Friday 5 July 2013

The Great Ooze - My Skin Is Crying

This is getting on my nerves now.

The constant ooze is driving me insane. It's been this way since Sunday and shows no signs of relenting any time soon. Once again the camera isn't picking up the grazes to their full extent but I can assure you that I am really red and sore.

I've never had ooze quite like this before. Usually it comes on after a mega scratch fest, it'll last a day or 2, dry out and I'll have never ending flakes but this is something of another sort. I'm not even touching it and my skin is just cracking open, weeping incessantly throughout the day and night, never quite drying up.

I'm physically and mentally exhausted from it.


  1. Perhaps u can consider applying powder such as prickly heat powder to absorb n dry up the weeping.It is antiseptic too

    1. That's an idea. Though I did read up on someone using talcum powder and they said that didn't work as the skin will just keep oozing until it decided to stop itself. Might still be worth a try though.

    2. Hi Jenny, I understand how you feel although my problems only started last summer and I am 57. I have seen 4 doctors and a nurse in 12 days, I have been on antibiotics as my legs became infected with Fusbate (?) to put on them. The gentlist scratch and the skin split blood everywhere, then the ozing water.I went on holiday to Norfolk. Then my arms joined in so I was given dermovate, various shower emolients and shampoo, they were not infected and my legs had not developed cellulitus. I went out in the sun , whey hey,hands swollen to the size of boxers gloves and itch... Another trip to the GP, she said my arms looked like a reaction and suggested I visit my GP when I got home. Although my left leg is bright red from knee to ankle it is not infected, she decided that a new diabetic tablet I was given a few weeks ago could be causing the reaction over the top of the ezcema, and I could tear the skin off, they are covered in loads of digs where I havve scratched them, I scratch in my sleep, my husband is fed up now, my mates in the office keep calling out 'dont scratch'I am so fed up, jumping in the shower to relieve the itch, rubbing on creams and lotions. Oh hell....

    3. Sorry to hear you're having it rough too.

      It's awful isn't it :( I have people telling me not to scratch too, often colleagues out loud in public at work and it makes me so embarrassed because it's not something I can really help. Me and my partner don't even sleep in the same bed now because he can't deal with me scratching and I can't deal with having presence in the bed because I get too overheated.

      It all really sucks. I wish we could reprogram our bodies some how :(

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This sounds exactly like what I'm going through only it's the area on the back of my thigh underneath my buttock. I've tried domeboro soaks and countless creams and powders and nothing really helps. Have you found anything that has helped since you posted this? I feel I'm going to lose my mind.

    6. Hi Christie, I don't know if you've read any of my other posts but everything around this time got mega complicated and I got MRSA and stuff. An antibiotic I took for it helped with the ooze and everything and I have had weepy skin after that time but never to the same extent. I just find keeping it dry and not applying anything to it helped the most, though it is very painful. A lot of people also use Sudocrem. You mentioned Domeboro so I assume you're from the US? We don't have that here and I don't think you have Sudocrem. It's a zinc based cream anyway. Hope you find respite!

  2. Jenny hang in there.
    Rooting for ya

  3. Hi Jenny. How're you feeling now? How're you coping with the heat? X

    1. I'm not :( it's unbearable. I scratched myself to death when I got home from work just now because I was so bloody itchy. It doesn't help with lack of sleep making me more irritable too. Having a miserable time.x

  4. Oh honey, I do so feel for you. The oozy stage was the absolute pits, I think the rest I could cope with even though it was rough, but the ooze was just awful. I think you are doing all you can and sadly it seemed to me time was the only thing that helped. I used to use those muslin squares (you can buy them in mothercare) to mop up the ooze as the were easy to wash and didnt leave fluff (a big bugbear of my son was any fibres sticking to him) and they dried super quickly. I did try domboros solution but I found the smell really obnoxious! Hope things ease up for you soon x

  5. Love that discription! Kline's skin is still crying some! Xxoo Loren

  6. Hey Jenny, just stumbled upon your blog after looking at some eczema info...I know how you feel. My skin is not getting better these days and people are commenting on me like they know what it really is (not understanding eczema is different from just "an itch") and I always feel people are judging me.

    1. Omg ya'll. I'm honestly getting teary eyed reading through the post and everything. My arm started oozing.. just crying a glistening river for the first time and I just finished cleaning it and putting a sterile bandage over it. Last summer I developed a red mark on one side of my inner elbow crease. Few months later it got a bit larger and would itch on occassion. Then a new mark on the other side of this crease grew as well. Fast forward the two itchy red patches are about a finger width apart. I NEVER KNEW how awful eczema could be. I was ignorant once too. I never judged anyone because I just thought it was a crappy vanity issue. Who wants to be red and blotchy? So I always felt bad when I heard someone had to deal with eczema but Oh My G(O)oDness!! No one ever told me about the "slap yo mama to get a good scratch" kinda' itch! And NOW?... NOW! I find out about oozing cry baby stickiness happenes too. Smh I feel for everyone dealing with this 10 times more now that I know first hand (to some degree) how horrible it is! Yet, I can only be grateful that I finally decided to look into what this mysterious rash I had was. It only took me a year but now my "rash" has a name... I call her "SUXzema." Gosh, thank goodness for the Internet and good folks willing to share they experiences. This has been truly helpful to me.


  7. Jenny i ferrel for you hon.. I have severe eczema & in my early 30s, i look like I'm older than i am because the stress my face has endured from it. The weeping is the absolute worst!!'that yucky wet feel is so gross. BLEH. I use aquaphor for my eczema and oatmeal lotion. I don't use medication cream and have I the past it just makes it worse. My skin is very fickle, anytime i change ANYTHING i break out. I especially hate when i go through a bad patch (no pun) and my face gets swollen. Looks like i went on drinking binge, its horrible! People look at you like you have 2 heads or something. Ill continue to search a cure.. Lots of love, fellow eczemist <3 <3

  8. I have eczema each night i would itch till skin falls off and my eczema crys it does my head in and all i got is double base twice a week baths and double base cream


  10. Hi! I'm so excited to have found your site. I have the same exact condition on my face. My eyes swell shut, and my whole face become inflamed. I just wanted to say hi. I was home from work yesterday with a flare up and stumbled upon your site. Happy to share ideas with you.

  11. An elimination diet and this product got my flare ups under control.

    Also, I can't live without Avene Cicalfate cream. It works better than topical steroid.

  12. Hey,

    I'm a blogger too and this photo resembles my skin back when I was at uni!! It was so annoying! Id have crusted cheeks by the end of the day and it was just not easy to manage. I originally used to use talc to dry it up which was great when I was indoors not so much when I was going out and then I used steroids ! Weirdly the sauna and sweating it out helped I think the whole idea of releasing toxins must've helped?? Not sure really!

    I read that bentonite clay masks Can be great for it!! Bentonite clay draws out toxins so this works well for the infection aspect and the clay properties means it dries it out. I use this on my eczema. Hope this helps someone looking for something to help weeping eczema! Isn't a cure but helps draw out toxins and wetness

  13. Wow, i was just typing in stuff that was wrong with me and for the first time in years ive found a site where everyone is describing the exact same thing as me, i wish i could share the photos to show examples of how bad its actually been, im 21 and have suffered for about 4-5 years.. ive had countless doctors and nurses and am on my 3rd dermatologist, nothing is working and it is honestly soul destroying, i cant even sleep in the same bed as my girlfriend as the no control over my body temperature is absolutely ridiculous, she'll be really hot and ill be shivering cold or vis versa.. as for the weeping and the itching dont even get me started, i shower/bath at least twice a day as thats the only place i feel normal for the duration im in there! my mates dont understand the struggle every single day and the pain and frustration it brings.. the countless amounts of antibiotics and steriods ive been on and the short amount of progress i get before my body just gets use to it and it then spirals back down to rock bottom, im off to tenerife tomorrow and im really really hoping the sun and sea will play a part in healing.. im nervous as when it comes to sleeping, my life gets so much worse, waking almost every other hour to the unbelievably itching until im red raw.. some nights are better than others but if i get more than 4-5 hours sleep without interuption ill be covered literally toes to head in white flaky skin, even moving makes the skin crack, waking up and having to completely strip the bed as its just in my opinion disgusting.. when i have people over ill never sleep normally, ill have to sleep in jeans and a tight long sleeved top so im not so embarrassed.. and then its the quick dash first thing to the shower.. i really wish i could give some imput of what ive tried, what i currently am doing, is stupid amounts of zero base cream as i feel the thicker cream helps a lot more, i also use oilatum for baths which is heavenly.. i also drink at least 3L of water a day without fail and endless amounts of herbal tea, i also regularly take piriton and nurofen for the pain and itch relief, ive also tried the bandaging and cotton gloves for night time.. and changed all my bedding to 100% cotton, as good as i feel trying all these new things the cost is just absolutely horrendous, oat baths and apple vinegar with water is something else to keep the skin hydrated but obviously norhing ive found solves the weeping which again is the most gross thing to have.. i know the pain and the struggle were all going through and as much i know saying it'll get better is such a hard thing to say as its quite unbelievable i hope that we can all hang in there together :)

    Glad i found this site.

    Im Greg by the way, pleasure :)

  14. Hey Guys,

    I am in the same boat now and I am trying a holistic approach. The only thing that I found that works so far for me with the weeping skin is for the short term bandages, which my weeping will eventually leak right through it, but a topical that I use that helps with the weeping so that I can sleep at night is Tumeric powder that you put on a paper towel that is soaked and dab it on the infected areas. Don't have anything come in contact with those areas until the moist Tumeric that you applied with the wet towel drys up. I am not sure if this will work for anyone else but it does work for me and it keeps the skin dry so that it doesn't keep leaking like a wide open faucet.

  15. Also,

    Using organic coconut oil on the infected areas helps deplete the crusty areas that have come about from the weeping, then just keep taking a shower every day and use the Tumeric during the day while your out and about and then use the coconut oil after you get out the shower while the dry crusty skin is soft to help keep it moist and get rid of the scabs, then put the Tumeric back on when it starts to weep again, which it will from the use of coconut oil. I know this sounds crazy, but I also did what my wife said and I used cayenne pepper powder on the infected area of my skin and I think that got rid of the infection, but of course only do this at your own risk and it will burnnnnnnnn.

  16. my doctor prescribed betamethasone valerate 0.1% it works quite well on my eczema. my triggers are all dairy products(also allergic to sodium casinate) yet I can eat beef, go figure eh.

  17. If the weeping part could be ended, it's whole lot easier. The smell and the crusts are just discomfort like hell. :((

  18. So happy to have found this ... but also so sad for you. I have weeping eczema on my right hand really bad, and as a student I cant even write or type (with that hand). I use betaderm cream mixed with aloe cream (tea tree seems to sting a lot)... the weeping is incessant though. I've been wrapping my hand in saran wrap to help but everywhere I go i get funny looks :p. Will be trying a milk compress and cold pack, then more cream and saran wrap for bed. Hope you find relief dear. Take care.

    1. To all with weeping eczema - try adding half a cup of household bleach (not the concentrated type) to a full bath of water and soak for 10 mins, rinse of user shower then too. Repeat three times a week, this will help kill off any lurking bacteria. Personally l would not was my face in it though. Salt baths are another possibility, but l find them to be an intranet to me but works for others. Good luck

  19. You should all go and see a naturopathic doctor. It will likely be improved by finding out if there's a food or other digestive problem causing it. Naturopathic doctor's are good at finding out what's causing it and working from the inside out.
