
Friday 29 November 2013

Day 192 : Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Thought I should give you all an update as to how I'm doing seeing as my last entry was about my 8th bout of eczema herpeticum.

Well I went to see my GP as I stated I would on the Tuesday morning and was given 800mg tablets of Aciclovir, the usual treatment to rid the skin of the herpetic viral infection. Needless to say it worked and I was pretty much all cleared up by Wednesday evening. I'm glad it was short lived this time.

Last weekend we stayed at Shane's parent's house for a little break away as Shane had finally taken a week away from work. Believe me when I say he's needed it! He hasn't had a full week off work since he started the job 2 years ago and all the stress of this year with my health and his 1000km Challenge has pretty much taken its toll so this week was hugely needed for him.

It wasn't much of a break though as it was this past weekend that he hit his 1000km target at a half marathon in Norwich! But he isn't stopping there of course... oh no. Being a stubborn sod he's going to run another 5 races this year, including the marathon in Liverpool on New Year's Eve just so that he can reach his target of 52 races. Crazy! I will finally get to spend my weekends with him next year. I hope. If you'd like to sponsor him for his hard efforts and because he has gone above and beyond all expectations feel free to sponsor him or check out his links in the tab at the top of my blog entitled "1000km Challenge". Thanks guys!

The first night of staying at his parent's house I woke up with a red, blotchy face. Eep! I honestly haven't suffered from that since around August time before I stopped the immunosuppressants and was diagnosed with MRSA so to suddenly wake up with it last weekend was pretty shocking. It got worse each morning and I think I can only attribute it to a washing powder allergy? It was only confined to my face, the rest of my body was fine, but given I wear full PJ bottoms, socks and a baggy t-shirt makes me think that is must be a contact allergen.

Frustratingly the red face hasn't disappeared just yet. I'm not waking up with it any more now that I'm back in my own house but by the evening it will be back again, due to being itchy and rubbing it, so I don't know if I may have awakened something in some way. Brilliant.

Anyway as always I hope everyone is well!

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