
Saturday 25 January 2014

Happy Birthday I Have Eczema Blog!

Tomorrow will mark 1 year since this here blog has been up and running. No doubt there will be a celebration of cake to mark the occasion... any excuse for cake in this household!

This blog matter has come a very long way though seeing as I originally started it up to inform others about how severe eczema can be as a condition, only to then learn that the reason I was suffering so terribly was because I had gone on to develop a condition called topical steroid addiction. It has changed my life now knowing what I am suffering from.

I have also been subject to some very exciting opportunities which have only happened because of this blog such as writing for Talkhealth, having an article printed in a nationwide magazine, writing guest posts on other people's blogs and even taking part in competitions that my readers have also benefited from. I've reached over 80,000 page views which is absolutely fantastic to know that I have been able to reach out to so, so many people over this past year. Your emails and comments help keep me going and I really cherish them, even if I can be lax in responding (I'm sorry!).

Unfortunately there are no celebrations to surround my skin. It still isn't letting up just yet, despite my best efforts to try to keep it under some form of control. Just seems to be one of those annoying inexorable things that comes part and parcel with topical steroid withdrawal.

 Right side of face

 Left side of  face


 Part of breast



  1. Happy blogoversary! Big cake is definitely in order....

  2. check out

  3. My neck is like that atm to. I really struggle with my eczema on my neck. Never seems to heal
