
Tuesday 9 December 2014

A Catch Up

I'm pleased to say the former infection has been controlled by a different antibiotic. However, I am now undergoing a bout of sodding herpeticum. It has been 4 months since my last one so it was expected, especially with how much stress I've been going through recently. I'm just annoyed because yesterday was my first day back at work & now this has cropped up. Thanks body!


  1. I had a bad cold last week and had a bout of herpes in my eye as a result of being run down. It was the first time in ages and thankfully it healed pretty quick and I didn't get any of the sores on my cornea like before.

    I hate it! You have my total sympathy.

    Hope it clears up soon.

  2. Hi Jenny, I've just been diagnosed with eczema Herpeticum and am pretty distraught. I'd appreciate if you could email me so we could talk :),

  3. Hi, I have skin like yours but until recently I never knew why. Every time I stopped the steroid cream my face would go bright red and start to weep. Doctors told me it was just an infection and to use the cream. I'm waiting until January 20th to confront my specialist about steroids and TSW. I'm not sure if you know this but Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 can heal eczema (google it.) It's like going out in the sun. I take 5,000 iu a day, plus 400% rda of K2. It takes a while to build up but you will notice your mood improving after just a few days. Taking this the skin on my body has completely healed, and I only wash in water (have done for two-years now.) However, the skin on my face hasn't healed and will still go red and weepy, whenever the creams are stopped. I've never tried TSW but I will have to do that. I used to feel better when my skin was bad (better in myself), I think this was because steroid creams suppress the immune system. My advice is to take 1000iu of vitamin D (per week) until you build it up to 5,000iu. Add Vitamin K, Calcium and Zinc. Plus Omega 3 (you can get flax seed Omega 3.) Also look at your diet, sugar usually makes my skin bad. I also avoid eggs, gluten and milk. Mostly eating fish, fruits, seeds, nuts, smoothies and vegetables. I also eat white meat, but not red as it inflames the skin.

    1. To add on from this: I wouldn't constantly take antibiotics. A: they stop working. B: after taking antibiotics for two-years (when I was much younger) I got acne. And C: they destroy both good and bad bacteria leaving your gut in a mess, and eczema comes from inside the body. A healthy gut means healthy skin - after a course of antibiotics I would eat probiotic yogurt to replace the good bacteria. Some people have healed their skin with just diet, after a year. I think if you take Vit D and K2, change your diet and use only water on your skin, you might see a massive improvement. Good luck.

    2. Just so we're clear - you have to take Vitamin K2 if you're taking large doses of Vitamin D. Otherwise there is a risk of Vitamin D toxicity. The K2 carries calcium away from the arteries and to your bones, teeth and hair etc... (where you need it.) The Vitamin D council (google it) recommends an upper limit of 10,000iu (a day) for all adults.

      This is the Vitamin D I take (but build it up first.) One tablet a day.

      And I take three tablets of this (per day) with it:

      I hope it heals the majority of your skin.

    3. Hey this was a great post I agree vitamin d is crucial but what I realised was the best form to take in your daily vitamins is in liquid form

      Try this for size see if it helps it helped my friend alot and got rid of my small exzema on my inner elbow

    4. Hey this was a great post I agree vitamin d is crucial but what I realised was the best form to take in your daily vitamins is in liquid form

      Try this for size see if it helps it helped my friend alot and got rid of my small exzema on my inner elbow
