
Sunday 31 March 2013

If It Ain't One Thing It's Another!

So what's new with me you ask? I'm actually really horribly ill with a chest infection, sore throat, headaches, face ache and now toothache which I've had since last Sunday. I've been trying to brave it out by not bothering to go see the doctor but now I'm thinking that's a stupid idea. Damn it being a bank holiday! It just makes things all the more awkward.

Anyway, because I am ridiculously run down guess what has come back? Yup. I've got eczema herpeticum on my chin. Oh joy of joys! It is my own stupid fault though. I've been forgetting to take my Aciclovir tablets recently so hopefully taking those again will halt it in its path. It's so itchy and tingly though :(

Haha, this angle looks weird!

The skin on my eyelids have also started to go wrinkled which I'm a bit worried about. I've stopped using steroids for now and just concentrating on copious amounts of white soft paraffin.

23 years old and I look like an old woman!

For an update on my monthly photos, I'll be sorting out that post probably on Tuesday though I have to admit I did become rather lax in taking them daily. It does give you the idea though!


  1. Hi. Im really enjoying your blog. As a long time eczema sufferer I can relate to most of what you say. It's nice to know I'm not suffering alone. It's so hard for people without eczema to understand the constant battle. Xx Jess

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, it makes me happy knowing I've helped others & I'm glad you enjoy it! :) People without it just don't have clue really. Especially if their only standpoint is a mild case of eczema.xx

  2. Hey hun, I've got that wrinkled look too! Grrrr.

    I absolutely love howyou jjust post pictures and don't care! It took me weeks to pluck up the courage to post my back flare up pics!

    I really enjoy your raw, insightful posts!


    1. Aww thanks :D I must admit it took me a while to pluck up the courage myself, but because I've not had respite since August last year I've just thought sod it, if it'll help anyone else then I don't care :)


  3. I also think you're very brave to post pics! Can I ask, do you suffer from eczema all over or is it mostly localised to your face and neck? Xx Jess

    1. Thanks :) I do indeed suffer from head to foot. I'm a bit funny about posting pictures of other body parts though because a lot of people I know read this blog. You can see a post I did here showing various body parts:
      But yep, only places I don't get it are the soles of my feet, my toes and my nose!x

  4. Hi Jenny, just popping in to see how you are doing and I recognise only too well that herpes virus.I come down with that too almost every two months and get it on any part of my face or worse around eye.Hope you are over the worst and that you are also taking antibiotics for it which I usually need.Hope you are having a good week.Your blog is so well done.Take care, Aoibheann xx

    1. Aww thank you! That's such a kind comment :) The Aciclovir seems to be making it disappear. It's my own silly fault for forgetting to take it in the first place! Hope you have had some respite recently? xxx

  5. Glad you are improving, that is a relief.Well I would have said yesterday that I am having a fairly good month.However, tonight I felt a tingle above my lip and on my forehead-( tiny blisters forming). Enough said, herpes virus starting.Never got it on my forehead before.Just started aciclovir.Only we understand!At least we are heading towards the weekend. Aoibheann xx

    1. Oh no! :( such a stupid and relentless disease! Glad you're being positive about it though, that's always the best approach to take with this :) I'm seeing my dermatologist today, no idea what the outcome will be, probably just tell me to suck it up and take more tablets :\

      Here's to the weekend anyway :) xx
