
Sunday 7 April 2013

Learning To Focus On Positives : Life With Eczema

Sorry for the absence on my front. I know I owe a month in pictures and I will get round to it, really I will, it's just that it seems like a monumental task right now so I've been putting it off.

I've been thinking more and more about jobs. I'm an ambitious individual with the want to succeed but obviously my stupid condition dominates my life and so my dreams of a career in all things crafty are dwindling into the abyss.

I've decided to take a more rational approach with what I can do with my life whilst acknowledging my limitations but nodding towards more realistic possibilities. So, I'm not too shabby with my computing skills; most recently I've started up a little shop so am learning the very basics of business; I'm here in the blogging world and am getting to grips with getting my little spaces on the internet noticed.

I think I can have a life, albeit with limitations, where I can return to some form of normalcy. Hell I need it. As I said before, I'm an ambitious individual, I have ideas and I want to make a difference. Why on earth should I allow my condition to rule over me? I've worked so hard to have what I have now, why should I stop? I deserve to be happy! Happiness is paramount to leading a healthy lifestyle - surely it couldn't hurt to explore my other career options, even if they aren't exactly what I had planned to do.

A new era, a new approach to life, a new Jenny.


  1. Hi! Great to hear your feeling positive. I'm struggling with a flare at the moment and keeping positive is seeming hard.
    I'm having to control my eczema with steroid cream used everyday. I've read in your previous posts that you use steroid cream too. (there seems to be so many anti-steroid campaigners around) how much steroid do you get through and what type do you use? Need some reassurance I'm not alone!!
    Thank you! Jess.

    1. Thanks for your comment lovely :) It was somewhat of an ironic post as mentally that is how I'm feeling but physically I'm currently having a bout of eczema herpeticum! I will beat this though :p

      Funny you should mention that, I had a message via Tumblr earlier that was anti-steroids. More and more people keep highlighting this, but how on earth do you even go about rehabilitating yourself when you need to go out to work? It's ridiculous really. I try to cut down on my steroid usage just because in the back of my mind I do now have a complex of steroids being bad, but when my skin is a lost cause I'll use a LOT of betnovate or eumovate. I can get through a 100mg tube in about 5 days. & I do use them on my face too as that is what my dermatologist has always said to do. Apart from the wrinkling on my face I've not noticed them do much else. I reckon the wrinkles are actually due to the loss of elasticity and dryness than anything.

  2. Thanks for the quick response! Im lucky that having suffered from eczema and cold sores all my life I have so far managed to avoid eczema herpeticum (touch wood).
    I also have had no real negative effects(apart from wrinkly skin on backs of my hands)despite using steroids for the past 15years so I'm not sure how much I go along with the 'evil steroids' brigade. I use quite a lot while flaring and top myself up as an when. But as I have eczema basically head to toe I go through a lot! But then I find my doctors surgery questioning the regularity of my repeat prescription, this is really frustrating!
    Sorry to rant!..but it's so nice to hear/talk about this horrible condition from someone who knows what it's like. I love your blog! Thanks again!
    Jess xx

    1. I've battled with doctors questioning my prescriptions too. I just bring up the fact that I see my dermatologist far more regularly than I do them and that seems to work in terms of getting what I need. I must admit that I will apply steroids a lot more than twice a day if I am especially bad.

      The reason I developed herpeticum is all down to my darling boyfriend (making him feel guilty :p ) who gave me a cold sore. The next thing you know, I'm especially stressed and run down then BOOM lots & lots of cold sores all over my face and now all it needs is for me to be run down and I get it. Stupid body!

      And don't worry about ranting, everyone needs to at the end of the day! & it's equally nice for me to know there are others suffering to the extent that I am so that I have people to turn to :)


  3. Agree with above- Jenny's blog is amazing-so honest and informative.I feel so sorry reading the ups and downs but I have never met or known anyone else who suffers from Atopic Eczema.I feel normal reading it!!I can identify so much with the blog and it is good to share what helps and compare treatments.Having read the above post on steroid creams, I too can not function without them and they have become a daily necessity.I have yet to find a suitable moisturiser.Most sting and burn:( I hope you are having a good week Jenny and I admire your positivity above which is inspiring and contagious for those in the same boat!! Aoibheann xx

    1. Aww! You're too kind :) I actually welled up reading this! (tears aren't good for eczema :p) I really am so happy that my blog is helpful to others, it's a good feeling knowing that my aim to indeed help is being fulfilled.

      I am having a bit of a flare on my face but the herpeticum is virtually gone now thank goodness! Hope your eczema is being good to you?xx

  4. Glad you are over the herpes virus Jenny, that is a relief.I had it very mildly due to starting the antiviral tablets on time.How am I
    ??.Well there is always something as I am sure you would agree!Well I decided to try La Roche Posay lipikar baume as my moisturiser.Now I know some people find it works wonders but I got an awful reaction an hour after putting it on.Red from neck to toes...It is all trial and error I suppose and an expensive hobby too:)Thanks for asking!Take care ,x x Aoibheann

  5. Hi Jenny. I was just wondering if you had used aloe vera for your eczema?

    1. Hey Toby, thanks for your comment. I haven't yet tried it no. Have you?

  6. Hi Jenny!
    I am a french girl. I am 24. I have eczema. I am bad in English but I want to read to you. You tempted me to write a blog.
    I wish you many of the good things for the continuation.
    The eczema it very aches and very ugly.
    Courage to you
    Cécile xx

    1. Hi Cecile, I'm so glad that my blog has inspired you and I wish you well with your own. Eczema is awful both visibly and for how it feels but people should embrace it more and realise they'e not alone.
